And while we are at it.. why not participate in another blogging event? Joelen has been hosting tasty tools events on her blog. So since this includes the use of the this months tool the whisk I will submit it for that. Yay! :) What a great way to kill a bunch of birds with 1 stone.
For two summers during college I worked in a church camp kitchen. Besides a ton of great memories with some dear friends, I learned a lot of cooking/baking tricks/tips too. One of the meals we made weekly was sloppy joes. Since our menu didn't change through out the summer (new campers every week) you got pretty sick of the same meals. But after all the years have gone by I find myself enjoying some of the classics. I have no idea what the exact recipe is for the sloppy joes. But I remembered the key ingredients. I made them before over a year ago, but this time I decided to add a bunch to the recipe.
1/2 yellow onion
(Sautee in dutch oven with olive oil until softened)
1 lb of lean ground beef
(Add to the onions and cook through)
2 Cups Ketchup
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
1/2 Cup Yellow Mustard
2 TBS Apple Cider Vinegar
2 tsp Cumin
2 tsp Black Pepper
2 tsp Salt
1 1/2 tsp Chili Powder
1 tsp Corriander
Wisk all ingredients together and add to the dutch oven when the meat is browned. Simmer for 2 hours (or more). I was making this in advance for leftovers, so no pictures of the sandwiches yet. I feel pretty excited that I made this up for the most part.
I love sloppy joes. I haven't made them in FOREVER. Maybe I should soon.
This looks awesome. I love sloppy joes and its been forever since I had them. You could even submit this to the August Tasty Tools event I'm hosting since you have a pic of the whisk in your post! Details are in my blog's left side bar or you can read it here:
Way to multitask! See you are "totally" getting ready for this mommy thing...
Haha, don't hit me I had to figure out an excuse to use the random quotes... lol (wish I could think of more though)
--Stina (Eat Something)
PS. I could not figure blogger out so well, LOL. But I went thru the almost endless torture to respond...because I care (even though everyone and everything is you BFF but me).
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